Micronized corn

Micronized corn is a valuable dietary ingredient for horses that is highly digestible and assimilable thanks to the micronization process. It provides a large amount of energy and nutritional value, making it especially suitable for sport horses and older horses. It improves, also the palatability of the feed and has a positive effect on feed intake. Variety in the ration to reduce the amount of oats in the ration.

Dla wszystkich typรณw koni i kucรณw, ktรณre potrzebujฤ… dodatkowej energii
Wysoka zawartoล›ฤ‡ energii przy niskiej zawartoล›ci biaล‚ka
Poprawa smaku i korzystny wpล‚yw na pobranie paszy
Dodatek do paszy podstawowej lub owsa
Wysokoenergetyczny dodatek do posiล‚ku dla wszystkich typรณw koni i kucรณw.

125,00  (z VAT)

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Cereals, with the exception of oats, are not suitable for use in horse nutrition without prior hydrothermal treatment, so micronized corn is used in horse nutrition. Eating whole, unprocessed grains of this cereal can contribute to diseases and behavioral problems. Recommended for all types of horses and ponies, especially those that need extra energy. For use as an additive to basal feed or oats providing variety in the ration, but due to its high starch content, it is very important to control the amount of starch in a single meal.

Heat treatment improves the access of enzymes to feed molecules and, consequently, increases the assimilation of nutrients. Improving the digestibility of starches and proteins increases the nutritional value of the product and helps you quickly recover from intense exercise. After processing, the material is crumpled into flakes, so the product can be successfully used in older horses.

The starch content of corn grain is high, as it is as high as 60%, but it is more difficult to digest than the starch of oats. For this reason, it is important to use this grain judiciously. In addition, the feed helps reduce the amount of oats in the ration. It is ideal as an energy supplement in the diets of horses exposed to intense exertion and requiring a high amount of energy.

The product is highly hygienic, as micronization prevents the growth of fungi and mold and destroys existing bacteria, viruses, molds and yeast. It positively influences health and development by reducing anti-nutritional components. It improves, also the palatability of the feed and has a positive effect on feed intake, making it a good choice for picky horses.

Przystฤ™pna forma i wysoka higiena produktu
Poprawia smakowitoล›ฤ‡ paszy
ลนrรณdล‚o skoncentrowanej energii
Wysoka strawnoล›ฤ‡ i przyswajalnoล›ฤ‡
Pozwala zredukowaฤ‡ iloล›ฤ‡ owsa w dawce pokarmowej
Brak przeciwwskazaล„ do stosowania u klaczy ลบrebnych i w laktacji

Podawaฤ‡ na sucho
Kukurydza mikronizowana pล‚atkowana

Biaล‚ko surowe
Tล‚uszcz surowy
Wล‚รณkno surowe
Popiรณล‚ surowy

400kg 500kg 600kg na 100kg masy ciaล‚a
Niepracujฤ…ce/Lekka praca 400 g 500 g 600 g 100 g
ลšrednia praca 800 g 1000 g 1200 g 200 g
Ciฤ™ลผka praca 1200 g 1500 g 1800 g 300 g
Bardzo ciฤ™ลผka praca 1400 g 1700 g 2000 g 350 g